Terms of Service

-I have the right to deny a commission
-I have the right to cancel a commission for what ever the reason maybe.
-I do take my time with each and it can vary depending on my health.


-Payment will be done though Paypal only.
-Payment is required before I start sketching.
-The payment will be sent to you through an invoice. An email from you will be needed.
-I shall contact you should I be unable to do the commission to refund it.
-If a commission must be cancelled and I have gotten past the sketching phase, 50% of the payment will be refunded.

Usage and Other

This is for personal use of the consumer. I would like to be asked should it be used for any advertisement or promotional work.
Credit must be visible on any location the commissioner uploads it.

Commissions with multi characters in it

The price of more than one character will be charged as each character separately.

What I will draw and Won't.

What I will draw:

  • Creatures/Antros/Ferals

  • Dragons (to some degree)

  • People

What I won't draw:

  • Mechs

  • Lizards

  • NSFW